Gran Hermano App

Big Brother App

Gran hermano
Endemol Argentina was an audiovisual producer who pioneered programs that set the course for the new trend in television productions not just nationally but also throughout Latin America and Europe. Endemol Argentina, which had previously focused on entertainment programs, magazines, and reality shows, has expanded its scope to include fiction, documentary and historical series, periodical magazines, and children’s programming.
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Gran Hermano, a well-known television program, needed an application to help attract  viewers during all of the competitions. Endemol got in touch with our team again. We had already collaborated on a project of a similar nature with the television program A todo o nada, for which we designed an app that was a huge success, which is why we were ready for this new challenge.


As in every instance, defining the scope of the project and the precise goals it aimed to achieve was essential. A mobile and web-based interactive application was created by the TAM team of usability and development experts for Android and iOS.

To ensure that each function complied with the program’s structure, it was crucial to
coordinate the creative work with its production.

As a result, an application with an intuitive user interface was created that allowed television viewers to participate in daily trivia contests, vote for participants, follow the “Tweet Room,” and participate to visit the show’s backstage.


  • Public acceptance came right away.
  • Had a high level of downloads on iOS and Android.
  • The viewers could use the application to follow the contestants’ “Tweet Rooms” and vote on who should be kicked out of the house.
  • Daily updates to the trivia allowed viewers to enter drawings to visit the show’s set.

The challenge was significant, but The App Master’s team was able to overcome all obstacles and finish the app in record time

Agustin Puiggari


Manager of Business Development at Endemol

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